Bühler’s third annual Student Career Day Expo inspires future innovators



Bühler recently hosted its third annual Student Career Day Expo, aimed at inspiring the next generation with a variety of career possibilities. This year’s event welcomed students from four local schools, namely the Bakery School, Cosmo Secondary School, Aurora Girls High School, and The Kings Discovery School, spanning Grades 9 to 12 for a day packed with discovery, learning, and inspiration.

The goal of the event was to introduce students to the exciting career paths available at Bühler and to guide them in making informed choices for their future studies. The day featured a series of comprehensive sessions showcasing various aspects of Bühler’s operations. Each department—ranging from Finance, Sales, Marketing, and Procurement to Information Technology, Human Resources, Process Engineering, Customer Services, Manufacturing, and Automation—offered insightful talks, highlighting the diverse career opportunities and the collaborative efforts that drive innovation and success at Bühler.

A standout moment of the day was the workshop tour, where students witnessed manufacturing engineering in action and gained a practical understanding of the technologies and processes that underpin Bühler’s operations. To further inspire the students, a life coach delivered a motivating talk on realising one’s full potential, encouraging them to pursue their dreams with confidence.

“Student Career Day Expo is more than just an opportunity for us to showcase our work; it’s a chance to ignite curiosity and ambition in young minds. Seeing the excitement and engagement from these students reassures us that we’re making a meaningful impact. We’re committed to continuing this tradition of inspiring future innovators and leaders,” comments Bühler Head of Human Resources, Rachael Madziwanyika.

The event was rounded off with lunch from GrubWorx (Enterprise Development Program). Students left with goody bags filled with snacks and practical items, adding a special touch to their memorable visit. The positive feedback from both students and teachers underscored the success of the day, highlighting the warm welcome, informative sessions, and the overall organisation of the event.

The success of the Student Career Day Expo is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Bühler team. “We look forward to hosting future events to continue nurturing the engineers and professionals of tomorrow,” concludes Madziwanyika.


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