Over the past 50 years, Kaytech has established a reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality and long-lasting geosynthetics which are utilized in various applications within the mining, civil engineering, and construction industries. These applications include drainage, filtration, water and waste containment, reinforcement, hydraulic construction, and road rehabilitation. Kaytech uses their extensive experience to help customers save both time and money. Their support team of engineering professionals provides superior customer support and always ensures that proposed solutions are cost-effective and durable.
Useful products for the mining industry
TenCate® Geotube® dewatering technology provides a simple and cost-effective way of dewatering large and small volumes of mining and mineral wastes. This proven technology can accommodate dewatering and containment in one, cost-effective operation. Utilizing TenCate® Geotube® containers is an effective alternative to mechanical processing that enables the capture of precious metals and the efficient management of mine tailings, coal sludge, and other mine waste streams. With as much as a 90% volume reduction, high solids levels make removal and disposal easy.
EnviroFix® Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) are needlepunched reinforced composites which combine two durable geotextile outer layers with a uniform core of natural sodium bentonite clay to form a hydraulic barrier. EnviroFix® is an alternative to Compacted Clay Layers (CCLs). It allows for less excavation and compaction, as well as increased containment volume.
Multi-Cell® PP is a cellular honeycomb structure made from woven slit film tape strips, stitched alternatively, forming three-dimensional square cells. Multi-Cell® PP strengthens soil by introducing an apparent cohesion to cohesion-less infill and provides a flexible effective erosion protection treatment for hydraulic structures. Additional advantages of Multi-Cell® PP include its flexibility, high tensile strength, and seam strength.
bidim® is typically used in the mining industry as an alternative to aggregate filters in subsoil drains and as a separator to prevent the contamination of a selected base or fill materials. It is also a great alternative to sand protection layers as it is easier and quicker to install. bidim® has distinct advantages over other man-made fibres, such as a better plastic yield stability (creep), better modulus of deformation, and a better resistance to high temperature. Furthermore, the in-plane drainage characteristic dissipates pore water pressure build-up beneath the liner.
Construction of tailings facility at Gloria Mine
Manganese tailings pose a serious threat to the environment and should be contained in accordance with legislation. Knowledge of the type of waste to be contained is crucial in the decision of the type of lining system to be used. In this case, bidim® A8 was used as a protection layer as it has sufficient thickness and puncture resistance to protect the HDPE liner from being damaged by any stones placed beneath the fabric. The lining system was designed to prevent any contamination of the surrounding groundwater.
Installation of a composite lining system and protection layer at Klipspruit Colliery
According to standard practice, pollution control dams should have a composite lining system consisting of an HDPE geomembrane primary liner and a CCL secondary liner. At Klipspruit there was, however, no suitable in-situ clay in the area to construct the CCL. To spare the client the high cost of importing suitable clay, Kaytech supplied EnviroFix® GCL, as an alternative to the CCL layer. Additionally, the HDPE liner required protection from damage when the dams are cleared of silt by mechanical equipment. Suitable protection was provided by placing Kaytech’s Multi-Cell® PP, filled with soilcrete, on top of the HDPE liner.
For support with your mining problem, call Kaytech at +27 31 717 2300 or email exports@kaytech.co.za